The “Control” form is available at any time with the menu Objects->Control:
The “Control” form is already mentioned in a previous section:
The two modifiable parameters are the name of the entity and the general journal number of the last transaction in the database. The list of ledger accounts is read-only and can be changed by the object “GL Accounts” described in the next section.
They are accessed with the menu Objects->Financial Statements Parameters :
The financial statements parameters are generated automatically when creating the entity. Normally, you do not have to change these settings. The “Financial Statements Parameters” are:
The window contains:
A: Navigator
B: Grid of data rows
C: Structure of the financial statements
D: The general ledger account for “Accumulated profits”.
This explanation applies to all grid navigators in this software. The navigator has several buttons, starting with a green arrow and ending with a button “Minus”:
In order, the navigator buttons are:
Sometimes there will be a “Plus” button to add a line at the end of the data grid.
The grid of data rows presents data as a spreadsheet. The column titles are the titles for the data. The rows are the data itself. There is always a pointer to a row showing the row focus. It is this row that is changed. For example, here is the pointer to the row “Current Liabilities”.
To move through the grid, use the navigator or symply click on the grid and move using the arrows or by rolling the mouse wheel. On the Mac, the movement is made by sliding your fingers.
To add a row go to the last row and click the “down arrow” on the keyboard."
The financial statements structure is the way to present the general ledger accounts in the financial statements. This structure should follow an accounting logic.
It is automatically generated when creating the entity according to the choice “IFRS” or “NON IFRS.” Usually, it should not be changed unless you know exactly what you are doing.
A section of the financial statement, such as “Current Assets” must have a minimum code, a maximum code and a “DtCt” input which informs whether the section is a debit(Dt) or credit (Ct) section.
This is the “Accumulated profits” or “Retained earnings” account. The profits for the year are sent to this account in the statement of equity.
In addition, dividends and other decreases will be subtracted in the same statement.
The choice of this account is done by clicking the drop down list and selecting the appropriate general ledger account.